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New Impulses in Word-Formation

Herausgegeben von Susan Olsen
Linguistische Berichte (LB), Sonderhefte 17. 2010. 404 Seiten.
978-3-87548-553-0. Kartoniert
EUR 34.00

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his special issue entitled "New Impulses in Word-Formation" demonstrates in thirteen individual, empirically oriented case studies how the methods gleaned from newer theoretical models (optimality theory, construction grammar, cognitive grammar, distributive morphology, parallel architecture) as well as from the linguistic sub-disciplines of psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, corpus linguistics and computational linguistics can be applied lucratively to the field of word-formation. The individual contributions are from a team of international linguists and deal with a broad spectrum of interests divided almost equally between the two major areas of word-formation, derivation and composition.


Susan Olsen: New Impulses in Word-Formation

Heike Baeskow: Derivation in Generative Grammar and Neo-Construction Grammar: A Critical Evaluation and a New Proposal

Rochelle Lieber: Towards an OT Morphosemantics: The Case of -hood, -dom, and -ship

Geert Booij: Constructions and Lexical Units: An Analysis of Dutch Numerals

Antje Roßdeutscher: German -ung-Nominalisation. An Explanation of Formation and Interpretation in a Root-Based Account

Andrew Spencer: Factorizing Lexical Relatedness

Renate Raffelsiefen: Idiosyncrasy, Regularity, and Synonymy in Derivational Morphology: Evidence for Default Word Interpretation Strategies

Pius ten Hacken: Synthetic and Exocentric Compounds in a Parallel Architecture

Sebastian Bücking: German Nominal Compounds as Underspecified Names for Kinds

Thomas L. Spalding, Christina L. Gagné, Allison Mullaly & Hongbo Ji: Relation-Based Interpretation of Noun-Noun Phrases: A New Theoretical Approach

Gary Libben: Compound Words, Semantic Transparency, and Morphological Transcendence

Carlo Semenza & Sara Mondini: Compound Words in Neuropsychology

Ingo Plag & Gero Kunter: Constituent Family Size and Compound Stress Assignment in English

R. Harald Baayen: The Directed Compound Graph of English – An Exploration of Lexical Connectivity and its Processing Consequences
Das hohe theoretische Niveau aller Artikel ist sehr beeindruckend. [...] Der Sammelband gibt Experten der Wortbildungsforschung einen hervorragenden Überblick über neuere und neueste Entwicklungen auf diesem Fachgebiet.
Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik (2011/3)