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Linguistische Berichte Heft 208

Linguistische Berichte (LB) 208. 2006. 128 Seiten.
2366-0775. eJournal (PDF)
EUR 42.00

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Syntax: Ralf Vogel, Stephan Frisch, Marco Zugck, Case Matching: An empirical study on the distinction between abstract case and case morphology. Afrikanistik: Sabine Zerbian, Questions in Northern Sotho (Bantu). Morphologie: Irene Rapp, "Was den Besuch zum Ereignis macht" - eine outputorientierte Analyse für die Verb-Nomen-Konversion im Deutschen. Soziolinguistik: Feda Yousef Al-Tamimi, To use [r] is prestigious.

Ingo Reich: Jan Lerner & Petra Dünges, Anaphern, Quantoren und Parallelität. Krisztián Tronka: Helmut Spiekermann, Silbenschnitt in deutschen Dialekten. Daniel Schnorbusch: Andreas Dufter, Typen sprachrhythmischer Konturbildung. Stefanie Stricker: Irma Taavitsainen & Päivi Pahta (Hg.), Medical and scientific writing in late medieval English.

Informationen und Hinweise
Hinweise für Autorinnen und Autoren
Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis (Jahrgang 2006)


Case Matching: An empirical study on the distinction between abstract case and case morphology
Ralf Vogel, Stefan Frisch, Marco Zugck

We report the results of an experimental and a corpus study on free relative constructions with the case ambiguous German wh-pronoun 'was' ('what'). Case conflicts in German free relative constructions lead to reduced acceptability, though not necessarily unacceptability. The aim of this study is to clarify whether the case conflict is only a surface phenomenon, or whether a conflict in the abstract case features only is sufficient to yield reduced acceptability/frequency. The results support the former point of view.
A second result of our corpus study must be explained in terms of abstract case, however: The overall frequency of the most problematic conflicting case pattern is unexpectedly low. This can be interpreted as an effect of syntactic markedness on processes of speech planning.
The results of a further experiment about conflicting case requirements on the objects of coordinated transitive verbs confirm the position defended in this paper: here, we have a truly syntactic case conflict and no degraded acceptability is observed. Case conflicts can only be resolved if they are morphological, not if they are syntactic.

Questions in Northern Sotho (Bantu)
Sabine Zerbian

This article gives an overview of the marking of polar and constituent questions in Northern Sotho, a Bantu language of South Africa. It thereby provides a contribution to the typological investigation of sentence types in the world's languages. As will be shown, Northern Sotho follows cross-linguistic tendencies in marking interrogative sentences: It uses intonation as main indicator in polar questions and question words as main indicator in constituent questions. Nevertheless, it also shows interesting language-specific variation, e.g. with respect to the location of raised intonation in polar questions, the presence of two pragmatically distinct question particles in polar questions, or a split in the formation of constituent questions based on the grammatical function of the questioned constituent.

"Was den Besuch zum Ereignis macht" – eine outputorientierte Analyse für die Verb-Nomen-Konversion im Deutschen
Irene Rapp

The topic of this paper are morphological and semantic properties of verb-to-noun conversions in German. I will argue that with respect to morphological processes two kinds of conversion can be distinguished, namely relisting and zero affixation. In relisting a stem which is already lexically listed re-enters the lexicon as an item of a different grammatical category. Relisting is highly restricted: it can only occur if the stem fulfills the semantic restrictions of the output category. Otherwise, zero affixation takes place. As is often the case with morphological derivation zero affixation is used to create words which are untypical members of the output category. My analysis is supported by distributional data: Syntactically, relisting conversions are similar to genuine nouns whereas zero affixations behave like ung-derivations.

To use [r] is prestigious
Feda Yousef Al-Tamimi

This paper, examines the correlation between two social variables, gender and class, with the Arabic trilled /r/. Upper class females use the approximant variant [r] for medial geminate [r]'s. They also vary between the approximant [r] and the tap for final geminate and singleton [r]'s. Males and females from other social classes use the trill [r] instead. [r] appears in the speech of all male and female classes in initial and medial singletons. The social prestige norms better explain why women change [r] into [tap] or [r] and how this change reflects their "feminine characteristics" as part of their social class ambitions.