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Proceedings of the 34th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

Los Angeles, October 27–28, 2023

UCLA Proceedings 34. 2025. 307 Seiten
978-3-96769-457-4. E-Book (PDF)
DOI: 10.46771/978-3-96769-457-4
EUR 43,99
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Im Buch blättern
Danny L. Bate and Krishnan J. Ram-Prasad: Wackernagel’s Law in Vedic and Old Irish
John Clayton: The Identity of pīlu in Atharvaveda Paippalāda 7.19: Vedic Arboreal Terminology and Etymology
Setayesh Dashti: Non-postnominal Relativization in Old Avestan
Jessica Delisi: Aufugiō, Aspellō, and Āmittō: Why Run Away from Latin Ab-
Jasmim Drigo and Yexin Qu: Old Irish Nasalizing Relative Clauses
Joseph F. Eska: Graphemic Markedness and Celtiberian Plosive Phonology
Giulio Imberciadori: On Tocharian B śrāy pl. ‘men’
Ronald I. Kim: East Iranian Nominal Inflection Revisited
Angelo O. Mercado: Form and Structure in the Greco-Aryan Octosyllable
Elisa Migliaretti: The Rhythmic Basis of Porson’s Bridge: An Explanation of Monosyllabic Words and Clitics
Artin Nasirpour: Old Slavic Dialectology: Salient Features of Old Novgorodian and Evidence for a North Slavic Subgrouping
Blanca María Prósper: The Inscriptions of Todi (Umbria) and Vergiate (Transpadana): A Study in Cisalpine Celtic Epigraphic Habits, Noun Morphology, and the Linguistic Classification of Lepontic
Andreas Willi: Morphological Supply in Response to Systemic Demand: The Greek Past Iteratives from Birth to Death
List of Contributors
Index Verborum

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