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Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur Band 53

Herausgegeben von Jochem Kahl und Nicole Kloth
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK) 53. 2025. VI, 316 Seiten. Unverändertes eBook der 1. Auflage von 2025.
978-3-96769-455-0. E-Book (PDF)
DOI: 10.46771/978-3-96769-455-0
EUR 139,99
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Im Buch blättern

- Abdelrahiem, Mohamed: The Coffin of Wepwawet-em-hat (S2Shu) at Shutb Storage Museum in Asyut

- Beinlich, Horst: Die Metall-Depots im Scheschonk-Tempel von el-Hibe

- Davis, Katherine E.: Social and Spatial Constructions of Late Scribal Expertise

- Frauchiger, Alix: Formule 660 des Textes des Sarcophages. Naissance et voyage d’un défunt dans l’au-delà

- Johnson, Kevin L.: The Study of a Provincial Stone Sarcophagus from the New Kingdom: An Iconographical Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction

- Kahl, Jochem: „… a martial frame of mind“: Nubische Bogenschützen und Truppenaufmärsche in Assiut

- Kahl, Jochem / Abdelrahiem, Mohamed / Cedro, Aneta / D’Alfonso, Ramona / Kapiec, Katarzyna / Kilian, Andrea / Mérat, Amandine / Moustafa, Adel / Shimizu, Marina / Wołodźko, Paulina: The Asyut Project: Seventeenth Season of Fieldwork (2023)

- Morales, Antonio J. / Alarcón, Sergio / Alba, José M. / Andrews, Ella J. / Colás, Jaime / Díaz, Carmen / González, Alberto / Griffin, Lily A.B. / Hernando, Laura / Hudson, Reed I. / Jiménez, Ana / López, Miguel Ángel / Martínez, Jesús / Mora, Patricia / Noria, Beatriz / O’Dwyer, Olivia / Rose, Katherine E. / Ruiz, Rocío / Sánchez, Raúl / Vilaró, Jaume / Yvanez, Elsa: The Middle Kingdom Theban Project: Preliminary report on the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir el-Bahari (Seasons Seventh, Eighth and Ninth – 2023–2024)

- Peterková Hlouchová, Marie / Nováková, Věra: Typology and decoration of Old Kingdom wooden coffins and stone sarcophagi: similarities and differences

- Ragab, Muhammad R.: Interconnectedness of graffiti, writers, and landscape. Graffiti production in the royal necropolis with focus on the area behind the tomb of Ramses VII

- Regulski, Ilona: Answering the Sycamore

- Thijs, Ad: BM EA 75019+10302. A letter from Piankh’s second Nubian campaign?

Tafeln / Plates

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