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Conversational Hindi

2010. XI, 172 Seiten und eine Audio-CD.
978-3-87548-572-1. Kartoniert
EUR 14.90
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This conversation course is designed for language learners with a good grounding in Hindi who wish to improve their communicative skills. In 15 thematically ordered chapters, it covers the vocabulary used in natural, idiomatic speech in a range of everyday contexts.

Each chapter consists of two to four dialogues with English translations and bilingual vocabulary lists. An alphabetical Hindi-English glossary containing all the words listed in the 15 chapters is provided for reference at the end of the book.

The recordings of selected dialogues on the accompanying audio CD should help learners familiarise themselves with Hindi intonation and develop their listening and pronunciation skills.

German Version / Deutsche Fassung: ISBN: 978-3-87548-488-5
This book is certainly a treasury of Hindi dialogues ... Published to fill a gap in the available Hindi language teaching/learning materials it is highly useful for every student of Hindi as a foreign language
(aus einer Dozentenbeurteilung)
Target group:
Learners with good basic knowledge and students of Indology who wish to acquire implementable communicative skills. The command of Devanagari is required.

In 15 thematically ordered chapters with two to four dialogues (in Hindi and English) this conversation course imparts the vocabulary used in natural, idiomatic speech in a range of everyday contexts. A bilingual vocabulary list is given to each dialogue and an alphabetical Hindi-English glossary containing all the words listed in the book is provided for reference at the end of the book.
The recordings of selected dialogues on the accompanying audio CD should help learners familiarise themselves with Hindi intonation and develop their listening and pronunciation skills.

Also note the following titles:

Konversationskurs Hindi
Sinha, Kadambari

Konversationskurs Hindi