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Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur Bd. 45 (2016)

Herausgegeben von Jochem Kahl und Nicole Kloth
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK) 45. 2016. Unverändertes eBook der 1. Aufl. von 2016. VI, 390 Seiten und 72 Tafeln.
978-3-87548-945-3. E-Book (PDF)
EUR 149.99
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A. Abdel-Raziq: An unpublished small sculpture of a female
acrobat at the Al-Salam School Museum in Assiut.

N. Abdelwahed | J. M. Iskander | T. Tawfik: The Blocks from the Nilometer at Roda.
Preliminary Report on the Reconstruction Work.

B. Ahmed: The Stela of Hori-Sheri at the Egyptian Museum (Cairo JE 59858).

H. Beinlich: Das Relief Hildesheim F 38.

M. Wilding Brown: A New Analysis of the Titles of Teti on Statue BM EA 888.

K. Cortebeeck: Stamp seals in ancient Egyptian tombs. A revision of the usages in quest of the
sex of their owners.

K. Hassan: Two Administrative Hieratic ostraca
from Deir el-Bahri (Late 20th and Early 21st Dynasties).

B. Hufft: Motivtransfer und Rezeption? Ein Beitrag zu den ägyptischen reliefierten
Lotuskelchen der 3. Zwischenzeit.

K. Jansen-Winkeln: H#wtj »Anführer« als allgemeine Bezeichnung und als Titel.

E. Lanciers: The Cult of Arensnuphis in Thebes in the Graeco-Roman Period.

H. Madkour: An Eleventh Dynasty Stela of the Priest Ka-whmi.

D. Metawi: A Late-Eighteenth Dynasty Memphite Stela (Cairo Museum JE 20222).

A. J. Morales: A false-door spell in the Pyramid Texts? An interpretation
for the discontinuation of PT355.

A. J. Morales | S. Falk | M. Osman | R. Sánchez: Casado | H. Shared | K. Yamamoto | E. H. Zidan:
The Middle Kingdom Theban Project Preliminary report on the
Freie Universität Mission to Deir el-Bahari, First and Second Seasons
J. F. Quack: Zur Situierung von TB 166 Pleyte.

M. G. Rashed | A. A. Abdelrahman: The Statue of Ankhef-Khonsou from
Karnak Cachette (CK 1164).

J. C. Sánchez-León | A. Jiménez-Serrano: Keeping Provincial Power in the Lineage During the Twelfth Dynasty:
The Case of Khema, Governor of Elephantine.

J. M. Serrano: Threesolar hymns from Dra Abu el-Naga. S. Soleiman An Inscribed Slab of
Unknown Ownership discovered recently at Saqqara.

N. Staring: RevisitingThree Objects in Berlin Pertaining to the Mayor of Memphis,
Ptahmose The »Lost« Faience Stela ÄM 19718 and the Limestone
Pyramid Panels ÄM 1631-1632.

S. Töpfer: Teile des Totenbuches des Anch-ef-en-Chonsu, Sohn des Bes-en-Mut in der Österreichischen
Nationalbibliothek (Papyrus Wien Aeg. 12022a+b).

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