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Information about Contributions to the Periodicals
- Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen
- Linguistische Berichte (LB)
- Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RomGG)
- Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur (SAK)
Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen
Manuscripts and questions concerning the editorship should be addressed to one of the publishers:
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Hasselblatt Boslaan 7a |
Prof. Dr. Beáta Wagner-Nagy (auch Schriftleitung) Institut für Finnougristik/Uralistik |
Linguistische Berichte (LB)
Authors and contributors may find the » Agreement on the granting of exploitation rights (PDF) here.
Contact the Publishers:
Markus Steinbach / Nina-Kristin Pendzich
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Seminar für Deutsche Philologie
Käte-Hamburger-Weg 3
D-37073 Göttingen
Academic Advisory Board:
Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RomGG)
Concerning Authors and Contributors
Your are welcome to submit manuscripts for publication either in the periodical »Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart« or in one of its supplements at any time. Please send an electronic copy to one of the following addresses. The publishers are looking forward to your contributions.
Contact the Publishers:
Prof. Dr. Andre Klump
Fachbereich II Romanistik
Universität Trier
D-54286 Trier
Prof. Dr. Johannes Kramer
Fachbereich II / Romanistik
Universität Trier
D-54286 Trier
Prof. Dr. Antje Lobin
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Romanisches Seminar
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18
Raum 02-538
55099 Mainz
Academic Advisory Board:
Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur (SAK)
Authors and contributors may find the » Agreement on the granting of exploitation rights (PDF) here.
Open Access Policy (Periodicals)
The publisher allows all journal authors (not only those who are privileged by the Copyright Act § 38, para. 4) to post their articles on their personal web sites and to deposit a copy in the repository of their institutions, provided that the authors wait twelve months after the first publication and that they only post the accepted manuscript version prior to copy editing and formatting by the publisher. Authors are furthermore asked to cite the journal as the source of first publication.