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Zur Wiedergabe von Partizipialkonstruktionen in Rechts- und Verwaltungstexten der Napoleonischen Zeit im Sprachenpaar Französisch-Italienisch

Zurück zum Heft: Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart 26,2
EUR 15,90

Participle clauses are often seen as typical for the syntax of the Romance languages. It is not surprising that many constructions that include a participle or a gerund, are translated “literally” from one Romance language into another. This is particularly true for our bilingual French-Italian corpus of legal and administrative texts, dating from the Napoleonic period in Northern Italy. However, this paper focuses not only on the cases where such a construction is rendered “literally”, but also on the possible reasons for those cases where we find other equivalents, e.g. a relative clause or a prepositional phrase.